
Ghazal no. 1438,1 lines 15207-08, 15211, 15214, 15216

15207 (My) helpless heart lacks a firm hold on love for him, since
I'm biting the end of the chain2 night and day, like (the crazed)

15208 I am amidst blood and if his visionary image comes, I fear
that I may stain his image with the blood of (my) heart, from being
in a state of ecstasy.

15211 My torn heart continues to be (wandering) like a star5 every
night, (and) my sleep (has) been scattered by the dawn of (that)
willful beloved of mine.

15214 Escape! Since I am wearing a garment of fire, like a sun.
(And), like a sun, within that fire I will adorn a (whole) world.

15216 Escape! Since, like a moon, I am melting from longing
sorrow for him. Though I am not diminishing like the moon
(nevertheless), like the moon, I will not increase after this.

--From The Dîwân-é Kabîr (also known as "Kulliyat-é Shams" and
"Dîwân-é Shams-é Tabrîz") of Jalaluddin Rumi.
Translated from the Persian by Ibrahim Gamard
© Ibrahim Gamard (translation, footnotes, & transliteration). 5/5/02

Notes on the text, with line number:

1. Ghazal no. 1438: These verses are sung in Persian by Shahram Nazeri on a CD entitled, "Mystified (Heyrani)," track 2, "Desire." Instrumental introduction starts at 10:12; singing of ghazal starts at 13:50.The singing does not follow the traditional poetic meter, but is in an Iranian style composed by Kaykhosro Pournazeri. It may be heard via a link here.

2. (15207) I'm biting the end of the chain: means like an insane
person who is kept in chains to prevent him from hurting himself.

3. (15207) like (the crazed) Majnoon: literally, "jinn-possessed,"
meaning "crazy." Majnoon was a legendary lover who was driven
insane by his love for Laylâ.

4. (15208) The recording has a difference in the second half of the
verse:"ze bê-khwêshî kheyâl-ash-râ ba-khûn-é del be-y-âlây-am."

5. (15211) (wandering) like a star: from ancient times, the planets
were viewed as "wandering stars."


15207 na-dâr-ad pây-é `ishq-é ô del-é bê-dast-o bê-pây-am
ke rôz-o shab chô majnûn-am, sar-é zanjîr mê-khây-am

15208 meyân-é khûn-am-o tars-am ke gar ây-ad kheyâl-é ô
bâ-khûn-é del kheyâl-ash-râ ze-bê-khwêshî be-y-âlây-am 4

15211 hamê gard-ad del-é pâra hama shab ham-chô estâra
shoda khwâb-é man âwâra ze-saHr-é yâr-é khwod-rây-am

15214 rahâ kon tâ chô khwarshêdê qabâyê pôsh-am az âtash
dar-ân âtash chô khwarshêdê jahânê-râ be-y-ârây-am

15216 rahâ kon tâ ke chûn mâhê godâzân-é gham-ash bâsh-am
ke tâ chûn mah na-kâh-am man chô mah z-ân pas na-y-afzây-am


Meter: oXXX oXXX oXXX oXXX

(Hazaj sâlim, musammam)