Du`â's Preceding the Four Selams
In the Mevlevi Whirling Prayer Ceremony (Samâ`)
First Selam:
kûnû dâ'irat-an `alà wujûdi-kum wa `âmilat-an `alà
Be revolving through your existence and exerting
(yourselves) through your form.
Second Selam:
salâmu 'llâhi `alay-kum ayyuhâ 'd-dâ'irûna fî dâ'irati
'l-maHabbat. sallama 'llâhu asmâ`i-kum wa niyyâti-kum
wa awSala-kum ilà 'l-mabdâ'i 'l-Haqîqî bi-'s-salâmat.
(May the) peace of God be upon you, O revolvers in the
circle of Love! May God grant soundness to your (music-
inspired) whirlings, your intentions, and your unitive
connections until (you attain to) the discoveries of Truth
with secure peace.
Third Selam:
salâmu 'llâhi `alay-kum ayyuhâ 's-sâ'irûn fî Tarîqi 'l-
mawaddata wa 'l-khullati wa kashfa `an baSari baSîrati-
kumu 'l-ghishâwata Hattà tarawna asrâri 'd-dawri wa
'l-markazi 'l-Haqîqî.
(May the) peace of God be upon you, O travelers in the
Way of Love, (spiritual) friendship, and the unveiling of
your covered eye of (spiritual) insight until you see the
secrets of the circling motion and the center of Truth.
Fourth Selam:
salâmu 'llâhi `alay-kum ayyuhâ `âshiqûna wa 'S-
Sâdiqûna tammat adwâra-kum wa Tâbat asrâra-kum wa
ja`ala-kumu l-wâSilîna ilà Haqîqati 'l-yaqîn.
(May the) peace of God be upon you, O lovers and
sincere ones! Your rotations and (the experiencing of) the
fragrance of your inward consciousness are completed.
And He made you the ones who have arrived to the Truth
of (spiritual) Certainty.
Sheb-i Arus Golbang
Vakt-i sherif hayrola; hayIrlar fethola; sherler def'ola;
leyle-i arûs-I rabbânî, vuslat-I halvet-serây-i sübhânî,
hakk-I akdes-i Hudâvendgârîde an-be ân vesîle-i i'tilâ-yI
makaam ve fuyûzât-I rûhâniyyet-i aliyyeleri cümle
peyrevânI hakkInda shâmil ü âmmola, Dem-i Hazret-i
Mevlânâ, sIrr-I Shems-i Tebrîzî, kerem-i Imâm-I Alî, Hû
diyelim. Hû...
--from GolpInarlI's "Mevlevi âdâb ve ErkanI" ("Mevlevi
Manners/Customs and Fundamentals"), Istanbul, 1963,
pp. 90-91 & 104
--translated from Arabic by Ibrahim Gamard