You Must Make Me Drunk And Ruined

Quatrain 1693

O cupbearer,1 from that wine2 which you first gave,
Toss in two [more] cups worth and increase (my) happiness.
Either a taste of it must not be made known,
Or, if you have opened the [jug's] top, you must make (me) drunk
and ruined.3

--From "The Rubâ`iyât" of Jalâluddîn Rûmî (in the Dîwân-é Kabîr,
also known as "Kulliyat-é Shams" and "Dîwân-é Shams-é Tabrîz")
Adapted from "The Quatrains of Rumi," by Ibrahim Gamard and Ravan
Farhadi, an unpublished manuscript of over 800 pages.
© Ibrahim Gamard and Ravan Farhadi (translation, footnotes, &

Notes on the text:

This quatrains has been translated by Arberry, "The Rubâ'îyât of
Jalâl al-Dîn Rûmî: Select translations into English Verse," 1949, p.
63 (a). It occurs in Rumi's "Seven Sessions" (Majâlis-é Sab`a)--
known as his "Sermon" [Sermon no. 5: text identical to that in
Foruzanfar's text]. The editor of the Majâlis failed to find this in
Foruzanfar's edition and states, instead, "author unknown."

1. cupbearer [sâqî]: the wine-server. Often means, in sufi poetry, the
spiritual master, who serves the "wine" of spiritual bliss.

2. wine [bâda]: symbolizes spiritual blessing, bliss, etc. (It is not
an alcoholic beverage, all of which are illegal in Islam.)

3. ruined [kharâb]: also means "destroyed" and "demolished."
Means here "annihilated of self by means of the wine of mystical
love." This quatrain also occurs in Rumi's "Seven Sermons" after a
long prayer, which concludes: "Turn us from self [az khwod] and
make us ecstatic" [bê-khwod]: He quotes a poetic verse: "Give us
the wine of love, O cupbearer, so that the (sober) intellect may
become (wildly) boastful in (the state of) eternity [bâqî)]." He then
adds: "Pour for us all of that wine by which the seeds of (future
human) souls replied drunk-like, 'But of course' on the Day of 'Am
I not'" (your Lord). -- Qur'an 7:172. This quatrain then follows.


ay sâqî, az-ân bâda ke awwal dâd-î

riTlê dô dar andâz-o be-y-afzâ shâdî

yâ châshniyê az-ân na-bâyast namûd

yâ mast-o kharâb kon, chô sar be-g'shâd-î

(rubâ`î meter: XXo oXXo oXXX X)